Jewel of the Seas - Royal Caribbean Cruise Ship Profile

Ngarava dzeAmerica neEurope paJewel yeMakungwa

The Jewel of the Sea is a beautiful Royal Caribbean ship. Yakavakwa muna 2004, Jewell yeMakungwa inotakura 2 500 vatasvi vanoenda kunzvimbo dzakasiyana-siyana muAmerica neEurope.

Ndakaenda nechikepe cheGungwa reMakungwa pazuva remazuva gumi nemasere rekuenda kuzororo kusvika kuchamhembe kweEurope , uye isu tose taida zvigadzirwa zvechikepe uye kukosha kwechiitiko chedu chechikepe. The Jewel of the Seas ine maresitorendi akawanda anofadza, mabhairi, uye nzvimbo dzakajairika, uye husiku hwekuratidza dzose dzaifadza. Iyi mifananidzo 5 yemifananidzo ine 86 mifananidzo yeJewel of the Seas inoratidza kuti iho huru huru yemhuri kana yezororo!